Lord Purvis of Tweed

Lord Purvis of Tweed's full title is The Lord Purvis of Tweed. His name is Jeremy Purvis, and he is a current member of the House of Lords.

Register of Interests of Lords Members' staff

Register of Interests for Lord Purvis of Tweed's staff. This list shows both staff name and any relevant gainful occupation or benefit registered.

Miss Gillian Cheeseman
Sir Myles Wickstead
Remunerated: Foreign Policy and International Development Consultant; Visiting Professor (International Relations), King's College London; Honorary Associate Professor at the Strategy and Security Institute, University of Exeter; Unremunerated: Trustee, BBC Media Action; Honorary Adviser, Malaria No More UK; Honorary Adviser, Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET); Honorary Adviser, Coalition for Global Prosperity (CGP); Chair, Lib Dems in International Development (LDID)