Register of Interests of Lords Members' staff
Register of Interests for Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth's staff. This list shows both staff name and any relevant gainful occupation or benefit registered.
Mr Anba Angaelos
Remunerated: Archbishop, Coptic Orthodox Church (living expenses covered); Unremunerated: President, Bible Society*; President, Churches Together in England*; Moderator, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland*; Chair, Council of the Oriental Orthodox Churches in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland*; Co-chair, Anglican-Oriental Orthodox Regional Forum*; Member, Anglican-Oriental Orthodox International Commission*; Co-founder and Co-chair, Catholic-Oriental Orthodox Regional Forum*; Co-founder and Co-chair, Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative; Moderator, Churches’ Inter-Religious Network for Churches Together in Britain and Ireland*; Ecumenical participant, Church of England General Synod*; Member, Coptic Delegation to the World Council of Churches*; Chair, Christians Aware*; Member, Christian Solidarity Worldwide Board of Reference*; Founder and Convener, Asylum Advocacy Group*; Scholar-Consultant, Christian-Muslim Forum*; Chair, Director, Founder and Trustee, Foundations for Hope (FFH)*; Trustee, Aghapy TV Limited*; Trustee, The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of London*; Trustee, The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre*; Trustee, Exodus Youth Worx UK