Mr Gideon Amos

Mr Gideon Amos is the Liberal Democrat MP for Taunton and Wellington, and has been an MP continually since 4 July 2024. He currently undertakes the role of Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Housing and Planning).

Voting record

Review the House of Commons voting record of Mr Gideon Amos.

Members may not vote in every division of the House. This can be due to a number of reasons; The Speaker and deputies cannot vote because of the impartiality of the chair, and Sinn Féin Members have an absentionist policy. A Member may wish to abstain, or have a procedural reason for not voting. Members can be absent carrying out consitituency or ministerial business, or be unable to attend for other reasons.

To perform a more comprehensive search of vote/division results, use the House of Commons votes in Parliament pages.

Total results 6 (page 1 of 1)
Total results 6 (page 1 of 1)