Parliamentary career
Find out about the Parliamentary career of Lord Green of Hurstpierpoint, including posts and roles held.
UK Parliamentary constituency boundaries have changed following a review in 2023. For more information read this insight from the House of Commons Library: ‘Boundary review 2023: Which seats will change in the UK?’
Shows current posts, roles, party affiliation and other relevant information.
House membership
Party affiliation
Shows previous posts, roles and other relevant information.
Party affiliation
26 July 2019
- 23 February 2021
16 November 2010
- 26 July 2019
Government posts
Minister of State (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills) (Trade and Investment)
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
11 January 2011
- 10 December 2013
Minister of State (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) (Trade and Investment)
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
11 January 2011
- 10 December 2013