Lord MacKenzie of Culkein

Lord MacKenzie of Culkein's full title is The Lord MacKenzie of Culkein. His name is Hector Uisdean MacKenzie, and he has retired from the House of Lords.


Find out about the experience of Lord MacKenzie of Culkein outside of Parliament.

Non political

Associate General Secretary
1993 - 2000
Confederation of Health Service Employees
General Secretary
1987 - 1993
Confederation of Health Service Employees
Deputy General Secretary
1983 - 1987
Confederation of Health Service Employees
National Officer
1974 - 1983
Confederation of Health Service Employees
Regional Secretary
1969 - 1974

Public life

Trades Union Congress
1998 - 1999
UIA Insurance LTD
Company Secretary
1996 - 2000
Trades Union Congress General Council
1987 - 2000
Nurses and Midwives Whitley Council
1983 - 1987