Registered Interests
Registered Interests for Baroness Fraser of Craigmaddie.
The Register is updated continuously throughout each sitting day and at regular intervals on other days.
Category 2: Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.
- Chief Executive, Cerebral Palsy Scotland
- Board Member, Creative Scotland
- Scotland Member on the Board of the British Library
Category 8: Gifts, benefits and hospitality
- As a member of the All-Parliamentary Parliamentary Group for Dance, the member receives occasional hospitality and invitations to events which during the course of the calendar year together amount to more than £300 in value
Category 10: Non-financial interests (b)
- Chair, The Scottish Government National Advisory Committee for Neurological Conditions (member's time is billed to Scottish Government and paid to Cerebral Palsy Scotland)
Category 10: Non-financial interests (e)
- Trustee, Neurological Alliance of Scotland (interest ceased 20 September 2023)