Lord Sharpe of Epsom

Lord Sharpe of Epsom's full title is The Lord Sharpe of Epsom OBE. His name is Andrew Sharpe, and he is a current member of the House of Lords.

Registered Interests

Registered Interests for Lord Sharpe of Epsom.

The Register is updated continuously throughout each sitting day and at regular intervals on other days.

Category 2: Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.

  • Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Home Office (interest ceased 5 July 2024)

Category 4: Shareholdings (a)

  • Battenhall Limited

Category 4: Shareholdings (b)

  • Primary Access & Research Limited

Category 5: Land and property

  • Apartment in Switzerland from which rental income is received

Category 10: Non-financial interests (a)

  • Director, C&UCO Properties Limited (Conservative Party’s registered property management company which holds the leases for the party's buildings) and two non-trading subsidiary companies, C&UCO Management Limited and C&UCO Services Limited