Spoken contributions
Review the Hansard spoken contributions of Charlotte Nichols. Individual debates are shown below, and you can expand them to show individual spoken contributions.
The counts shown for contributions can be approximate. Also, contribution data prior to 2010 is based on historical records, so the accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
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Hansard Member contributions page.
Retail Workers: Protection
11 February 2020
Contributions include 1 speech
Transport Infrastructure
11 February 2020
Contributions include 1 supplementary question
Nuclear Energy Policy: Climate Change
5 February 2020
Contributions include 1 intervention
Lobby and Media Briefings: Journalists' Access
4 February 2020
Contributions include 1 supplementary question
Holocaust Memorial Day
23 January 2020
Contributions include 1 speech
Telecommunications Infrastructure (Leasehold Property) Bill
22 January 2020
Contributions include 1 intervention
A Green Industrial Revolution
15 January 2020
Contributions include 1 speech