Baroness Blower

Baroness Blower's full title is The Baroness Blower. Her name is Christine Blower, and she is a current member of the House of Lords.

APPG officer roles

All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) are informal cross-party groups that have no official status within Parliament. They are run by and for Members of the Commons and Lords, though many choose to involve individuals and organisations from outside Parliament in their administration and activities.

Officer Roles are drawn from the latest edition of the Register of APPGs. To see the latest edition of the register, go to Published Register of APPGs.

Food and Drink
To debate the policy priorities and issues related to the UK’s largest manufacturing sector, the food and drink sector. The group will aim to promote dialogue and discussion between industry and politicians through a series of policy roundtables, events and site visits.
Vice Chair
Global Education
UK Parliamentarians working to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4: to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Vice Chair
School Food
To bring together a range of organisations and stakeholders from the sector to champion the school meal service, highlight the issues at a political level, and collaborate to identify best practice.