Lord Colgrain

Lord Colgrain's full title is The Lord Colgrain DL. His name is Alastair Colin Leckie Campbell, and he is a current member of the House of Lords.

Registered Interests

Registered Interests for Lord Colgrain.

The Register is updated continuously throughout each sitting day and at regular intervals on other days.

Category 1: Directorships

  • Non-executive Director, Hanover Square Investments Pte Limited (investment company)
  • Partner, Campbell Brothers (farming partnership)
  • Non-executive Director, ORN Holdings Ltd (investment company)

Category 5: Land and property

  • Farm in Kent with houses from which rental income is received

Category 10: Non-financial interests (a)

  • Director, Harris (Belmont) Charity (private limited company by guarantee) and Trustee of related registered charity
  • Director, Belnor Farms Limited (private limited company owned by Harris (Belmont) Charity)

Category 10: Non-financial interests (b)

  • Independent External Adviser, Canterbury Christ Church University Remuneration Committee