Registered Interests
Registered Interests for Lord Ricketts.
The Register is updated continuously throughout each sitting day and at regular intervals on other days.
Category 1: Directorships
- Non-executive Director, Groupe Engie (French-listed global energy services company) (interest ceased 30 April 2024)
- Non-Executive Director, Getlink Group (operator of the Channel Tunnel and of Eurotunnel train services)
Category 2: Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.
- Speaking engagement, 19-20 May 2024, at the annual meeting of the British Association of Former United Nations Civil Servants, Bath; travel and accommodation paid.
- Speaking engagement, 22-25 May 2024, visit to Jersey in capacity of Chair of the Franco-British Council for discussions with the Bailiff and Ministers and to lead a joint seminar involving Franco-British Council Young Leaders and Jersey Government young professionals; travel and accommodation paid.
Category 10: Non-financial interests (b)
- Chairman, Government Wine Committee (ad-hoc advisory committee providing advice to government hospitality on purchasing and management of their stock of wine)
Category 10: Non-financial interests (c)
- Member, Advisory Council, London Symphony Orchestra
Category 10: Non-financial interests (e)
- Secretary for Foreign Correspondence, Royal Academy
- Vice Chairman (formerly Trustee), Royal United Services Institute
- Chairman, Franco-British Council
- Honorary President, The Normandy Memorial Trust
- Trustee, Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels-based think-tank)