Edward Argar

The Rt Hon Edward Argar is the Conservative MP for Melton and Syston, and has been an MP continually since 7 May 2015. He currently undertakes the role of Shadow Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.

Spoken contributions

Review the Hansard spoken contributions of Edward Argar. Individual debates are shown below, and you can expand them to show individual spoken contributions.

The counts shown for contributions can be approximate. Also, contribution data prior to 2010 is based on historical records, so the accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

For more information on Hansard, and to perform a more comprehensive search of debates, visit the Hansard website. For more comprehensive information on this Member's spoken contributions, visit the Hansard Member contributions page.

Total results 446 (page 1 of 23)
Total results 446 (page 1 of 23)