APPG officer roles
All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) are informal cross-party groups that have no official status within Parliament. They are run by and for Members of the Commons and Lords, though many choose to involve individuals and organisations from outside Parliament in their administration and activities.
Officer Roles are drawn from the latest edition of the Register of APPGs. To see the latest edition of the register, go to Published Register of APPGs.
Fire Safety and Rescue
To meet and consider important fire safety and rescue issues with appropriate specialists in these fields, consulting wider with other related agencies to create a safer built environment; contributing to fire safety events both inside and outside parliament, whilst raising issues of concern to government through its minsters.
Greater Manchester
To provide a strong and united voice for Greater Manchester in Westminster, gathering political and business leaders to build consensus and drive investment and growth for the benefit of communities throughout the region.
To further UK-Greece relations and discuss issues affecting both countries.
Local Markets
To provide a conduit for the markets industry to advance the case for markets and to raise issues about their welfare. It provides a forum for discussions about policy, strategy and operational issues recognising the role of markets and market trading in retail, tourism, employment, hospitality, and leisure sectors.
Vice Chair
To promote links and mutual understanding between Britain and Morocco.
Vice Chair