Registered Interests
Registered Interests for Baroness Smith of Newnham.
The Register is updated continuously throughout each sitting day and at regular intervals on other days.
Category 1: Directorships
- Non-Executive Director, Oxford International Education & Travel Ltd (trading as Oxford International Education Group) (interest ceased 26 December 2024)
Category 2: Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.
- Director of Studies/Fellow in Politics, Robinson College, University of Cambridge
- Professor of European Politics (formerly Reader in European Politics), University of Cambridge
- Member, Higher Education Advisory Board, Oxford International Education Group (interest ceased 26 December 2024)
- Speaking engagement, 9 January 2024, event at Møller Institute Ltd, Churchill College, Cambridge (payment received 29 February 2024)
- Independent External Member, BIMM University Limited (university for creative industries and performing arts with nine campuses)
Category 7: Overseas visits
- Visit to Israel, 24-28 March 2024, as part of House of Lords delegation organised by All-Party Parliamentary Group on UK-Israel for fact-finding visit to Southern Israel regarding Hamas-Israel war, as well as meetings with Israeli politicians, religious leaders, Palestinian civil society and British Ambassador to Israel; flights, accommodation and travel costs paid by Cedarsoak Ltd
Category 8: Gifts, benefits and hospitality
- As a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Armed Forces the member receives occasional hospitality which during the course of the calendar year may cumulatively amount to more than £300 in value and which is paid for from funds from sponsors previously declared (see register of APPGs)
Category 10: Non-financial interests (a)
- Member, Advisory Board, European Politics and Society Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters programme (led by Charles University, Prague)
Category 10: Non-financial interests (b)
- Member, Advisory Board of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies at University College London (interest ceased 3 June 2024)
- Member of the Strategic Council, Institute for European Studies - IEE (Université libre de Bruxelles) (interest ceased 30 June 2024)
- Chair, Council of Members, The Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology
- Member, Academic Advisory Board, Institut für Europäische Politik
Category 10: Non-financial interests (c)
- Member, Advisory Board (formerly Trustee), Gladstone's Library (registered charity)
Category 10: Non-financial interests (e)
- Member, Advisory Council of the European Policy Forum
- Member, Finance Committee, Cambridge University Catholic Association
- Trustee, James Madison Charitable Trust
- Trustee, Armed Forces Parliamentary Trust
- Trustee, Parliamentary Human Rights Trust