Registered Interests
Registered Interests for Viscount Ridley.
The Register is updated continuously throughout each sitting day and at regular intervals on other days.
Category 2: Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.
- Book royalties from HarperCollins
- Occasional speaker via Chartwell Partners (for speaking engagements)
- Speaking engagement, 23 September 2021, Tipping Point, Palanga, Lithuania (fee received from Chartwell Partners)
Category 3: Person with significant control of a company (PSC)
- Blagdon Farming Limited
- Plessey Checks Farming Limited
- Blagdon Nominees 1 Ltd
- Blagdon Nominees 2 Ltd
- East Carnigill Ltd
- Detail Properties Ltd
Category 4: Shareholdings (a)
- Blagdon Farming Ltd
- East Carnigill Ltd (rural property company)
- Detail Properties Ltd (owns house in London with flats owned by family members)
Category 4: Shareholdings (b)
- Octopus Protected EIS Fund 7
- Northern 2 VCT
- Westminster Group plc (fire, safety, security and defence)
- QuantumDX (medical devices company)
- Plaquetec Ltd (developing personalised medicine for heart disease)
Category 5: Land and property
- Blagdon and Blyth estate in Northumberland, with income from areas including farming, forestry, commercial property, residential property and minerals
- Land and fishing rights on the River Coquet at Felton, Northumberland
Category 10: Non-financial interests (a)
- Director, Blagdon Farming Ltd
- Director, Ridley Family Charity
- Director, Plessey Checks Farming Ltd
- Director, Detail Properties Ltd (owns house in London with flats owned by family members)
Category 10: Non-financial interests (b)
- Member, Regulatory Horizons Council (RHC), Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Category 10: Non-financial interests (e)
- Trustee, Northumberland Estates Seghill LLP (interest ceased 30 April 2021)
- Trustee and Director, The Rose Paterson Trust Limited (charity)