Baroness Berridge

Baroness Berridge's full title is The Baroness Berridge. Her name is Elizabeth Rose Berridge, and she is a current member of the House of Lords.

Registered Interests

Registered Interests for Baroness Berridge.

The Register is updated continuously throughout each sitting day and at regular intervals on other days.

Category 2: Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.

  • Barrister (non-practising)
  • Research Fellow, Oxford Centre for Religion and Culture, Regent’s Park College, Oxford

Category 3: Person with significant control of a company (PSC)

  • Freedom Declared Foundation (charity and private limited company by guarantee without share capital; use of 'Limited' exemption; research on social sciences/humanities)

Category 5: Land and property

  • Rental income received from lodger in member’s personal residence

Category 6: Sponsorship

  • The member receives up to £6,500 a year from a number of friends and family to enable her to meet the cost of secretarial and research support in connection with her duties in the House of Lords

Category 10: Non-financial interests (a)

  • Director, Freedom Declared Foundation (charity and private limited company by guarantee without share capital; use of 'Limited' exemption; research on social sciences/humanities)

Category 10: Non-financial interests (e)

  • Member, Advisory Board, Christians In Politics
  • Trustee, Parochial Church Council, Ecclesiastical Church of St Michael, Chester Square