Lord Fellowes of West Stafford

Lord Fellowes of West Stafford's full title is The Lord Fellowes of West Stafford. His name is Julian Alexander Fellowes, and he is a current member of the House of Lords.

Registered Interests

Registered Interests for Lord Fellowes of West Stafford.

The Register is updated continuously throughout each sitting day and at regular intervals on other days.

Category 1: Directorships

  • Director, Praemium Intentus (member's company owned 100 per cent by member; receives payments for member's screen and stage writing activities); clients are NBC Universal (UK); Hat Trick (Trollope) Ltd; BBC Studios Distribution Ltd; Michael Grandage Company
    Granada (Manchester) Ltd; Authors Licensing and Collecting Society; Orion Publishing Group; Freemantle Media Limited; British Equity Collecting Society; Directors UK Ltd; Network Presentations; MTI Enterprises Inc; Focus Features Inc; The Really Useful Group; Carnival Film and Televisions Limited; SOR Korea LLC; 42 M&P Ltd; Music Theatre International; Universal Studios Inc; Willoughby Productions Limited and Cameron Mackintosh Limited
  • Director, Launcelot W Films (member's company owned 100 per cent by member; receives payments for member's screen and stage writing activities); clients are NBC Universal (UK); Hat Trick (Trollope) Ltd; BBC Studios Distribution Ltd; Michael Grandage Company
    Granada (Manchester) Ltd; Authors Licensing and Collecting Society; Orion Publishing Group; Freemantle Media Limited; British Equity Collecting Society; Directors UK Ltd; Network Presentations; MTI Enterprises Inc; Focus Features Inc; The Really Useful Group; Carnival Film and Televisions Limited; SOR Korea LLC; 42 M&P Ltd; Music Theatre International; Universal Studios Inc; Willoughby Productions Limited and Cameron Mackintosh Limited

Category 2: Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.

  • Self-employed screenwriter, playwright, novelist, actor, presenter and producer; clients are NBC Universal Inc (USA)/ Heyday Productions LLC; Foreign Copyright Royalties and Green Slate

Category 3: Person with significant control of a company (PSC)

  • Praemium Intentus (member's company owned 100 per cent by member; receives payments for member's screen and stage writing activities)
  • Lionhead Productions Limited (film production)

Category 4: Shareholdings (a)

  • Lionhead Productions Limited (film production; see category 10(a))
  • Praemium Intentus (member's company owned 100 per cent by member; receives payments for member's screen and stage writing activities) (see category 1)

Category 5: Land and property

  • 5 cottages in West Stafford, Dorset from which rental income is received
  • Approximately 1,000 acres of woodland, arable and grazing land in Dorset owned jointly with wife from which rental income is received
  • 3 flats in London SW1 jointly owned from which a third of rental income is received

Category 10: Non-financial interests (a)

  • Director, Lionhead Productions Limited (film production; no income received from this post)

Category 10: Non-financial interests (c)

  • President of the Thomas Hardy Society
  • Member of Appeal Council, National Memorial Arboretum

Category 10: Non-financial interests (e)

  • Chairman, RNIB Talking Books Appeal
  • Vice President, Weldmar Hospicecare Trust, Dorchester
  • Ambassador, Breast Cancer Haven, London SW6
  • Ambassador, Changing Faces UK (disfigurement, registered charity)
  • Ambassador, Alzheimer's Society
  • Vice President, Catholic Association of Performing Arts
  • Member of National Advisory Council, RicNic Trust
  • Vice President, RNIB
  • President, The Society of Dorset Men
  • President, The Trollope Society
  • President, Essential Tremor Foundation