Viscount Younger of Leckie

Viscount Younger of Leckie's full title is The Viscount Younger of Leckie. His name is James Edward George Younger, and he is a current member of the House of Lords.

Registered Interests

Registered Interests for Viscount Younger of Leckie.

The Register is updated continuously throughout each sitting day and at regular intervals on other days.

Category 2: Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.

  • Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department for Work & Pensions (Minister for Work and Pensions) (interest ceased 5 July 2024)

Category 5: Land and property

  • Flat in London SW11 owned jointly with wife, from which rental income is received
  • Holiday home in Salcombe, Devon, from which rental income is received (held in a trust of which member is a trustee)
  • House in London SW6 owned jointly with wife, from which rental income is received

Category 10: Non-financial interests (c)

  • President, Kate Kennedy Club life members' association (St Andrews, Fife) (interest ceased 18 April 2024)

Category 10: Non-financial interests (e)

  • Trustee (formerly President), Highland Society of London
  • Member, Royal Company of Archers (King's Bodyguard for Scotland)
  • Vice President, War Widows' Association
  • President, Buckinghamshire County Museum
  • Member, Royal Yacht Squadron (RYS)