Lord McAvoy

Lord McAvoy is deceased. His full title was The Rt Hon. the Lord McAvoy KBE. His name was Thomas McLaughlin McAvoy.

Registered Interests

Registered Interests for Lord McAvoy.

The Register is updated continuously throughout each sitting day and at regular intervals on other days.

Category 1: Directorships

  • Director, County Pub Company Ltd (unremunerated at present, but possibly remunerated at a future date)

Category 3: Person with significant control of a company (PSC)

  • County Pub Company Ltd

Category 4: Shareholdings (a)

  • County Pub Company Ltd (held together with spouse)

Category 5: Land and property

  • Two properties in Central London from which rental income is received (interest in one property ceased 20 April 2023)

Category 8: Gifts, benefits and hospitality

  • As a member of the All-Parliamentary Parliamentary Group for the Armed Forces, the member receives invitations to breakfast and dinner briefings which during the course of the calendar year together amount to more than £300 in value and all of which are paid for by sources listed in the register of APPGs (interest ceased 20 April 2023)
  • From time to time the member receives hospitality from the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Defence and Security Issues which over the course of a calendar year exceeds the registration threshold