To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what the cost to the public purse was of removing the paint sprayed onto the Ministry of Defence Main Building by protesters on 10 April 2024.
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Written questions
Review the written questions submitted by Sir Michael Ellis.
To perform a more comprehensive search of written questions, visit the Parliamentary written questions and answers website.
To ask the Minister of State, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, what information his Department holds on the use of UNRWA push-to-talk networks by Hamas.
To ask the Minister of State, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, what assessment he has made of the implications for his policies of recent Hamas rocket fire into Israel.
To ask the Minister of State, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, what assessment he has made of the potential implications for his policies of the analysis of casualty figures in Gaza by the Professor of Statistics and Data Science at The Whart...
To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, what recent discussions she has held with the BBC on the appearance of Major General Wasef Eriqat on BBC Arabic.
To ask the Minister of State, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, what assessment he has made of the adequacy of his Department's travel advice for South Africa, in the context of (a) recent trends in levels of crime in South Africa and (b) the ...
To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, pursuant to the Answer of 11 June 2014, Official Report, column 142W, on embassies: Iran, what the estimated monetary value is of each of the works of art cited in that answer which is owned by t...
To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, if he will provide a detailed itemised inventory of what works of art from Government collections were on loan to the British Embassy and Residence in Tehran at the time of the riots in November ...