Lord Addington

Lord Addington's full title is The Lord Addington. His name is Dominic Bryce Hubbard, and he is a current member of the House of Lords.

Voting record

Review the House of Lords voting record of Lord Addington.

Members may not vote in every division of the House. This can be due to a number of reasons; for example the Lord Speaker, Senior Deputy Speaker and Principal Deputy Chairman of Committees do not vote because of the impartiality of their positions. Otherwise, a Member could be absent undertaking other parliamentary business or unable to attend for other reasons. There is no procedure for recording intentional abstentions but a member may be present in the House and choose not to vote.

To perform a more comprehensive search of vote/division results, use the House of Lords votes in Parliament pages.

Total results 2488 (page 125 of 125)
Total results 2488 (page 125 of 125)