Lord Crathorne

Lord Crathorne's full title is The Lord Crathorne KCVO. His name is Charles James Dugdale, and he is a current member of the House of Lords.

APPG officer roles

All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) are informal cross-party groups that have no official status within Parliament. They are run by and for Members of the Commons and Lords, though many choose to involve individuals and organisations from outside Parliament in their administration and activities.

Officer Roles are drawn from the latest edition of the Register of APPGs. To see the latest edition of the register, go to Published Register of APPGs.

Art, Craft and Design in Education
The group believes that art, craft and design education is essential to the economy and to the cultural, spiritual, creative and social wellbeing of all; that it empowers individuals, enabling them to engage with our rich visual and cultural heritage, express themselves and become visually literate and perceptive, and that access to high quality art, craft and design education is an entitlement for everyone.
Arts and Heritage
To promote interest in the arts and heritage at Westminster.
To encourage wider and deeper enjoyment of jazz, to increase parliamentarians' understanding of the jazz industry and issues surrounding it, to promote jazz as a musical form and to raise its profile inside and outside parliament.