To ask Her Majesty’s Government how they reconcile printing and delivering their pamphlet Why the Government believes that voting to remain in the European Union is the best decision for the UK to every household in the UK, with the statement by the Minis...
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Written questions
Review the written questions submitted by Lord Pearson of Rannoch.
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To ask Her Majesty’s Government, with reference to the statement in their pamphlet Why the Government believes that voting to remain in the European Union is the best decision for the UK that "the UK has secured a special status in a reformed EU", how the...
To ask the Leader of the House whether she will encourage Government ministers to provide full answers to Written Questions from members of the House rather than providing references to third-party sources.
To ask Her Majesty’s Government, with reference to their pamphlet entitled Why the Government believes that voting to remain in the European Union is the best decision for the UK and in the light of their statement that "we will keep our own border contro...
To ask Her Majesty’s Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord O’Neill of Gatley on 1 April (HL7086), what are the annual (1) gross, and (2) net, costs of the UK's contributions to the EU for each year from 2013 to 2015 inclusive, and why those fi...
To ask Her Majesty’s Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord O’Neill of Gatley on 1 April (HL7086), why the Office for National Statistics Pink Book cannot be used to establish the UK's gross and net contributions to the EU; what Government sour...
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of the proportion of grooming and sexual exploitation in Rotherham and elsewhere which has been carried out by (1) Muslims, and (2) those of other faiths or no faith.
To ask Her Majesty’s Government, following the cases of organised grooming and sexual exploitation in Rotherham and elsewhere, whether police forces have been issued with new guidance on responding to allegations of abuse; and if so, what is that guidance...
To ask Her Majesty’s Government which Government buildings have been transferred to finance Islamic bond schemes; what restrictions there are on the use of such assets as a result of Sharia financing; and why that method of raising money was chosen.
To ask Her Majesty’s Government whether the phrase "mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs" in their Counter-Extremism Strategy differs in meaning from the phrase "mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and belie...
To ask Her Majesty’s Government which EU countries are required by their constitutions to hold a referendum before their governments can agree changes to the EU treaties; and which countries have done so in the past.
To ask Her Majesty’s Government whether the UK can withdraw from EU treaties under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, with 12 months notice or otherwise.
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what are the annual (1) gross, and (2) net, costs of the UK's contributions to the EU for (a) 2014, (b) 2015, and (c) 2016, according to the Office for National Statistics "Pink Book", and what assessment they have made of ...
To ask Her Majesty’s Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Anelay of St Johns on 14 March (HL6444), (1) whether the European Commission, the Committee of Permanent Representatives, the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice ...
To ask Her Majesty’s Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Anelay of St Johns on 14 March (HL6444), whether future Governments of the other EU member states are bound by the deal agreed at the February European Council.
To ask Her Majesty’s Government how many people are employed by the EU, including the European Court of Justice; and at what annual cost.
To ask Her Majesty’s Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Freud on 10 February (HL5883), why the incorrect reference to the 20 November 2014 answer has been repeated, and whether they will now state what is the annual cost of paying in-work b...
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what consideration they have given to the risk that their policy of further localism might lead to local authorities with high Muslim populations adopting Sharia law, if current trends in birth rate continue.
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of the percentage of child refugees to the UK from Syria and elsewhere who are from Muslim families, and whether the families of such refugees will be able to follow them in due course.
To ask Her Majesty’s Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Freud on 27 January (HL5012), why that answer provided a reference to a Written Answer in the House of Commons given by the then Minister of State for the Department of Work and Pensio...