Baroness Harris of Richmond

Baroness Harris of Richmond's full title is The Baroness Harris of Richmond DL. Her name is Angela Felicity Harris, and she is a current member of the House of Lords.

Registered Interests

Registered Interests for Baroness Harris of Richmond.

The Register is updated continuously throughout each sitting day and at regular intervals on other days.

Category 5: Land and property

  • Two properties in North Yorkshire (interest ceased in one property 31 January 2024)

Category 10: Non-financial interests (a)

  • Member, Advisory Board, IFPO UK and Ireland (umbrella body supporting operators in security industry)

Category 10: Non-financial interests (e)

  • Trustee, Fellowship of St. John (UK) Trust Association (interest ceased 21 June 2024)
  • Companion of the RAF Regiment
  • President, Police Treatment Centres, Harrogate
  • High Steward, Ripon Cathedral
  • Trustee, Richmond MayFest (festival of music)