Spoken contributions
Review the Hansard spoken contributions of Baroness Barker. Individual debates are shown below, and you can expand them to show individual spoken contributions.
The counts shown for contributions can be approximate. Also, contribution data prior to 2010 is based on historical records, so the accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
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Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill [HL]
27 November 2018
Contributions include 3 interventions and 13 speeches
Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill [HL]
21 November 2018
Contributions include 7 speeches
Northern Ireland (Executive Formation and Exercise of Functions) Bill
30 October 2018
Contributions include 1 speech
Northern Ireland (Executive Formation and Exercise of Functions) Bill
30 October 2018
Contributions include 1 intervention and 1 speech
Voyeurism (Offences) (No. 2) Bill
23 October 2018
Contributions include 1 speech
Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill [HL]
22 October 2018
Contributions include 3 interventions and 9 speeches
Child Sexual Exploitation: Grooming Gangs
18 October 2018
Contributions include 1 question
Children: Gender Dysphoria
17 October 2018
Contributions include 1 question
Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill [HL]
15 October 2018
Contributions include 4 interventions and 3 speeches
Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill [HL]
15 October 2018
Contributions include 1 intervention and 6 speeches
Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill [HL]
15 October 2018
Contributions include 1 intervention and 5 speeches
Health: Contraceptive Services
11 October 2018
Contributions include 1 question
In Vitro Fertilisation: 40th Anniversary
13 September 2018
Contributions include 1 intervention and 1 speech
Social Action
12 September 2018
Contributions include 1 intervention and 1 speech
Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill [HL]
5 September 2018
Contributions include 1 intervention and 6 speeches
Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill [HL]
5 September 2018
Contributions include 1 intervention and 2 speeches
Northern Ireland: Misoprostol
5 September 2018
Contributions include 1 question
British Overseas Territories: Same-Sex Marriage
23 July 2018
Contributions include 1 question and 1 speech
Civil Partnership Act 2004 (Amendment) (Sibling Couples) Bill [HL]
20 July 2018
Contributions include 1 speech
Relationships and Sex Education
19 July 2018
Contributions include 1 question