Spoken contributions
Review the Hansard spoken contributions of Baroness Barker. Individual debates are shown below, and you can expand them to show individual spoken contributions.
The counts shown for contributions can be approximate. Also, contribution data prior to 2010 is based on historical records, so the accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
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Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill [HL]
24 April 2019
Contributions include 1 speech
Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019
24 April 2019
Contributions include 1 speech
Health: HIV
25 March 2019
Contributions include 1 question
Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration etc) Bill
1 March 2019
Contributions include 4 speeches
Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill [HL]
26 February 2019
Contributions include 1 speech
Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education, and Health Education
25 February 2019
Contributions include 1 question
Assisted Suicide
14 February 2019
Contributions include 1 question
Healthcare (International Arrangements) Bill
5 February 2019
Contributions include 1 speech
Health: Public Health Grant
4 February 2019
Contributions include 1 question and 1 speech
Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration Etc.) Bill
1 February 2019
Contributions include 5 speeches
Domestic Abuse Bill
31 January 2019
Contributions include 1 question
Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration Etc.) Bill
18 January 2019
Contributions include 1 speech
Western Balkans
10 January 2019
Contributions include 1 speech
Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019
9 January 2019
Contributions include 1 intervention and 1 speech
Human Tissue (Quality and Safety for Human Application) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019
9 January 2019
Contributions include 2 interventions and 1 speech
Quality and Safety of Organs Intended for Transplantation (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019
9 January 2019
Contributions include 1 intervention and 1 speech
Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Parental Orders) Regulations 2018
12 December 2018
Contributions include 2 interventions and 1 speech
Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill [HL]
11 December 2018
Contributions include 2 speeches
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
3 December 2018
Contributions include 1 question and 1 speech
Sexual Health Services
29 November 2018
Contributions include 1 question