Registered Interests
Registered Interests for Baroness Prashar.
The Register is updated continuously throughout each sitting day and at regular intervals on other days.
Category 2: Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.
- Member, Diversity Advisory Council, Sky Group
Category 10: Non-financial interests (a)
- Chairman, Cumberland Lodge
- Member, International Advisory Board, ASPIDE (mediation group for high-tech firms in fields of water, gas and oil to governments, equity-funds, industry and financial investors)
- Chair, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (interest ceased 31 March 2024)
Category 10: Non-financial interests (b)
- Member, International Advisory Board, IE Business School, Spain
Category 10: Non-financial interests (e)
- President, National Literacy Trust
- Trustee, Beacon Collaborative (alliance of partners across philanthropy sector with collective goal to support cultural change in giving among wealthy in UK) and Director of the associated company (interest ceased 31 October 2023)
- Trustee, The Elizabeth Landmark Limited