Registered Interests
Registered Interests for Lord Mancroft.
The Register is updated continuously throughout each sitting day and at regular intervals on other days.
Category 1: Directorships
- Non-executive Director, ROK Global plc (technologies, applications and services development)
- Non-executive Deputy Chairman, ROK Mobile Limited
- Chairman, Avida Global Ltd (medicinal cannabis producer)
- Chairman, Bantu RG Energy Ltd (infrastructure in Africa)
- Director, Roadgaz Uganda Limited (infrastructure and development in Asia and Africa)
- Director, ITFE Group Ltd (advice to corporations and sovereign funds on global investments and transactions)
- Non-executive Director, Quanton Commodities (agricultural commodities broker) (interest ceased 23 April 2024)
- Director, RG International Ltd (infrastructure in Africa)
- Non-executive Director, Roadgaz International Consulting Ltd (infrastructure consulting)
- Director, Quantum Silo and Mills Ltd
- Director, Eger & Co (advice to corporations and sovereign funds on global investments and transactions)
- Non-executive Director, QTH Ltd (agricultural commodities broker)
Category 4: Shareholdings (b)
- ROK Global plc (technologies, applications and services development)
- Bantu RG Energy Ltd (test drilling and boring)
- RG International Ltd (infrastructure in Africa)
- Roadgaz International Consulting Ltd (infrastructure consulting)
- Quantum Silo and Mills Ltd
- Eger & Co (advice to corporations and sovereign funds on global investments and transactions)
Category 10: Non-financial interests (d)
- President, the Lotteries Council