Registered Interests
Registered Interests for Lord Vaizey of Didcot.
The Register is updated continuously throughout each sitting day and at regular intervals on other days.
Category 2: Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.
- Adviser, Common Sense Media (US not for profit education charity); member supports charitable aims of providing digital curriculum for children and content ratings for parents educating children
- Member, Advisory Board, NewsGuard Technologies Inc (company which rates websites) (interest ceased 1 January 2025)
- Member, Advisory Board, Salary Finance Ltd (ethical employee loans) (interest ceased 1 January 2025)
- Ambassador, Digitalis (online reputation company)
- Culture Editor, Country & Town House Magazine
- Adviser, Authors Licensing and Collecting Society; member attends four meetings per year to advise on strategy (interest ceased 17 October 2024)
- Adviser, Perlego (online textbook company); member supports fund-raising and commercial opportunities (interest ceased 1 January 2025)
- Consultant, The Investing and Saving Alliance (TISA) (representative body for retail investment management industry)
- Chairman, Advisory Board, Digital Futures Ltd (company providing digital skills for students)
- Adviser, ScaleUp Capital (scale-up investors)
- Member of the UK advisory Board Omaze Ltd (charity fundraising company)
- Member, Global Advisory Board, Binance (cryptocurrency exchange) (interest ceased 30 June 2024)
- Adviser, Altermind (strategy consultancy) (interest ceased 1 January 2025)
- President, Marlow Film Studios
- Adviser, Net Zero (blockchain carbon removal company) (interest ceased 1 January 2025)
- Presenter of weekly show on Times Radio
- Adviser, Arcor (lithium mining company) (interest ceased 1 January 2025)
- Occasional appearances on Good Morning Britain (ITV), Jeremy Kyle Show and First Edition (Talk TV), the payments for which during the course of the calendar year together amount to more than the registration threshold
- Project work for Delta Partners, Abu Dhabi, advising on tourism strategy for Abu Dhabi Department for Culture and Tourism (interest ceased 29 October 2024)
- Speaking engagement, 26 February 2024, Moneyfarm, Glaziers Hall, London
- Speaking engagement, 12 March 2024, Cole & Son, London
- Chair of Roundtable for Access Partnership, 5 March 2024
- Consultant, Challenge GmbH (a games company) (interest ceased 29 October 2024)
- Speaking engagement, 31 May 2024, Mastercard, London
- Speaking engagement, 7 June 2024, WorldEF conference, Istanbul
- Adviser, (technology)
- Adviser, Lexis Nexis Risk Solutions (technology) (interest ceased 29 October 2024)
- Adviser, Empati Ltd (environmental consulting activities) (interest ceased 1 January 2025)
- Senior Adviser, New Horizon Global Advisory (strategy advice)
- Adviser, Human Capital (venture fund, advising on fundraising)
Category 5: Land and property
- Property in Oxfordshire, jointly owned with wife, from which rental income is received
Category 7: Overseas visits
- Visit to Athens, Greece, 29 September - 2 October 2024, to attend Athens Democracy Forum; accommodation paid for by Athens Democracy Forum
Category 8: Gifts, benefits and hospitality
- Guest of Google at Google Zeitgeist, 12-13 May 2024, The Grove, Herts; overnight accommodation provided
- Guest of Lawn Tennis Association for cinch Championships Tennis Tournament 2024 at Queen's Club, London, 22 June 2024
- Two tickets for The Championships, Wimbledon received from OnlyFans, 11 July 2024
- Two tickets received from Universal Music to attend Taylor Swift concert, Wembley Stadium, 20 August 2024
Category 10: Non-financial interests (a)
- Member, Investment Committee, Arno Finance
- Director, Global Esports Academy
- Member, Advisory Board, London Technology Club
- Adviser on communications and strategy to Worldview Advisory Limited (strategic consultancy)
- Adviser on communications and strategy to Knox Digital Limited (digital communications)
- Adviser on strategy to The 350 Club (online community for FTSE 350 board members and FTSE 100 senior leaders)
Category 10: Non-financial interests (b)
- Governor, St Paul's School, London
- Chair, UK-ASEAN Business Council
Category 10: Non-financial interests (c)
- Trustee, Tate
Category 10: Non-financial interests (d)
- Chair, Parthenon Project (campaign to return the Parthenon Marbles to Greece)
Category 10: Non-financial interests (e)
- Chairman, Creative Fuse North East (research project of five NE universities) (interest ceased 17 October 2024)
- Trustee, Oscar's Book Prize
- President, SUDEP Action (epilepsy charity based in Wantage)
- Patron, Institute of Telecommunications Professionals
- Trustee, Common Sense Media (UK not for profit education charity) and Director of associated company