To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many Merlin helicopters owned by his Department are (a) in active service, (b) held in reserve and (c) undergoing conversion as part of the Crowsnest AEW helicopter programme.
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Written questions
Review the written questions submitted by Mr Mark Francois.
To perform a more comprehensive search of written questions, visit the Parliamentary written questions and answers website.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many Puma helicopters (a) are in (i) active service and (ii) storage and (b) were sold for disposal in the last five years.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, if he will publish a list of Urgent Capability Requirements within his Department.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many Lynx helicopters are in (a) active service and (b) storage.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many AH-64E Apache helicopters are (a) in active service, (b) on order and (c) in storage.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what equipment was taken from HMS Prince of Wales to re-equip HMS Queen Elizabeth in 2023.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, who is responsible for paying for works to repair the propulsion equipment on HMS Prince of Wales.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what recent estimate he has made of when HMS Prince of Wales to return to operational service.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what recent estimate his Department has made of the cost of building the five new Type 31 class frigates; whether those costs have increased since the contract was signed; and if he will make a statement.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, if he will publish the results of the naval engineering inquiry into the propulsion problems of HMS Prince of Wales.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many C-130 Hercules aircraft were involved in the operation to evacuate British military, diplomatic and civilian people from Sudan.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, whether he plans to take steps to dispose of the RAF's C-130 Hercules fleet.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what the most recent estimated initial operating capability is for the new Medium Support Helicopter programme.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, with reference to his Statement of 16 January 2023 on Ukraine: Update, Official Report columns 35 to 37, whether he plans to declare any of the systems intended for the British Army mentioned in the Statement as ...
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, when he plans to publish the Ajax Lessons Learned Review; and whether he plans to publish the Review unredacted.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what the propulsion defect affecting HMS Prince of Wales is; and when he expects it to be fixed.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, with reference to his Statement of 16 January 2023 on Ukraine Update. Official Report column 36, how many Challenger 2 tanks he plans to upgrade to Challenger 3.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what his Department's definition is of an Urgent Operational Requirement.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, with reference to his Statement of 16 January 2023 on Ukraine: Update, Official Report column 36, what the revised Initial operating capability date is for the (a) Mobile Fires Platform and (b) interim artillery ...
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many RAF fast jet pilots have successfully graduated from the MFTS programme in each of the last five years.