Sir William Benyon

Sir William Benyon died on 2nd May 2014. He was most recently the Conservative MP for Milton Keynes, and left the Commons on 9 April 1992.

Parliamentary career

Find out about the Parliamentary career of Sir William Benyon, including posts and roles held.

UK Parliamentary constituency boundaries have changed following a review in 2023. For more information read this insight from the House of Commons Library: ‘Boundary review 2023: Which seats will change in the UK?’


Shows previous posts, roles and other relevant information.


Party affiliation

18 June 1970 - 9 April 1992

House membership

Sir William Benyon
18 June 1970 - 9 April 1992

Opposition posts

Opposition Whip (Commons)
Whips Office (Commons)
1 August 1974 - 31 July 1976